I decided to have another look at Zephyr. As per documentation about application development, there are three options: repository, workspace and freestanding. In the repository options, my application code is put directly within the zephyr repository. I don’t really like this option, as I like to keep my code separated from their code. That leaves…
The prices of 32F103, March 2024
In may 2022 I made a list of prices of 32F103 microcontrollers at LCSC. Let’s have a look at the prices of today (24 March 2024). Almost two years since I’ve placed a similar list back in May 2022. It looks like prices have returned to a level of before the silicon crisis. Please note,…
LSI on FCM32 fails
I am working on a new project on 32F103 microcontrollers. The code appears to run fine on GD32, RX32 and STM32, but it fails to run on FCM32. Initial investigation shows the code fails when it tries to initialise the RTC. For the RTC I am using the internal RC oscillator. Trying to enable it…
Mail server migration
After setting up the new mail server, the mail from the old server has to be migrated to the new server. I’ve done this before, and I have been looking through my old posts, here and on the old blog (andre.blaatschaap.be), but it seems I haven’t written about the procedure. Configure the mailbox on the…
Setting up a new mail server
I’ve been looking into configuring a new mail server. My old server is using ISPConfig. In my student days and some time after, I used to host websites for third parties, but I am no longer into that, so for the new server, I won’t be using ISPConfig. I’ll keep it simpler. Something like PostfixAdmin…
AT Commands, Querying Network Registration
Now I am playing with these GPRS modems, I’m also looking into how to communicate with them. Apart from the manufacturer’s manuals, I’ve also been looking at the standards for the AT commands, ETSI TS 127 007. It’s a huge document, and there are commands in there that make me think about the phones we…
GPRS Modules (part 2)
A while ago I wrote about GPRS Modules. The Neoway M590E kits, which came in 2018 for merely 89 cents from AliExpress. Those days are over, these days they come over for 3 euro something (including shipping) even though they become less and less useful as the 2G shutdown comes nearer and nearer. I want…
SPI Flash
As I mentioned in my Sub-GHz Radio Modules project, I’m adding an SPI flash to store some information about the module, like the type and frequency band, to allow for auto-detection of the proper parameters. As such, I decided to pick up an old, unfinished project, of interfacing with SPI Flash. More specifically, SPI NOR…
What is the time?
Another thing I had a look at are DCF77 modules from AliExpress. The DCF77 is a 77.5 kHz time signal transmitted from Mainflingen in Germany. At 60 kHz, the MSF time signal is transmitted at 60 kHz from Cumbria in the UK. This signal should also be receivable in the Netherlands. There are no modules…
GPRS Modules (part 1)
While I have been working on the radio modules. I wasn’t in the mood for more coding (or rather, analysing the magic values generated by WDS), so I made a next revision of the radio PMOD modules. Seems I overlooked the PCB thickness in the KiCad Calculator tool, and ended up with the wrong width…
Radio BlaatSchaap
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