What I have been up to lately

Well everyone, it has been a while. What have I been up to? Earlier this year I have been teaching some basics about embedded to friends and colleagues. A blue pill, a breadboard, a bag of wires, and some peripherals. There we go.So this went on for a couple of weeks till I discussed all…

Crazy Times

There are crazy times, with the silicon shortage, the prices on the rise. Last time I discussed Blue Pill Prices, about half a year ago (end of October 2020), I mentioned 10-packs a € 14,78. These days a 10-pack of Blue Pills costs € 44,45. From the same seller, A 10-pack of F401 Black Pills…

Playing around with the PS/2 Interface

A while ago, I saw a video by Ben Eater “So how does a PS/2 keyboard interface work?” (Odysee, YouTube). After this video I’ve been reading up on the PS/2 interface. I’ve looked at this before, made a break out board for a dual PS/2 connector. As the PS/2 interface is an open collector, it…

BlaatSchaap RFID, HALs and a peek at the CLRC663

At the point where I last wrote about my RFID code, I had ported the Arduino library back to C. I was able to perform the ISO 14443-A Anti Collision. That’s the point where some of the other things I had in mind come to play. While I removed the Arduino code, I had hard…

BlaatSchaap RFID, starting with MFRC522

As discussed in a previous port, I’m working on some RFID library. As mentioned, it started out with some code I’ve used for a project years ago. That code capable of reading the UID of a card, but it’s rather rough. For example, it can only handle 4 byte UID cards, and won’t cascades to…

Introducing BlaatSchaap RFID

As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I’ve looked through my collection of electronics and found some RFID readers. And I’ve decided to write yet another library to read those. There are plenty of Arduino libraries out there, but I’m not an Arduino guy. Most of the libraries out there are Arduino. Some others are…

More random ramblings, displays and rfid.

Some more random ramblings from me. What’s been going on? I’ve been working on this job for a customer involving a ST7735 based TFT display. As for controlling this display, I went with ucglib, as it seemed suitable. It supports many types of displays, and it’s under a BSD license, so the license doesn’t pose…

Some random ramblings about Blue Pills and stuff.

Hello there, these will be some random ramblings about Blue Pills and stuff. Not a fully written article or so. But well… when I was searching for Blue Pills on eBay and AliExpress the other day, I found that the price of Blue Pills on eBay has risen, but is still low on AliExpress. On…

I’ve released the magic smoke

I’ve released the magic smoke. What happened here? These are the remains of an MT2492. This is a step-down converter. This chip was located on a breakout board, taking 12 Volt input, and outputting 5 Volt. I’ve designed this board last year. Unfortunately, I’ve lost the KiCad files in a hard disk crash. Nevertheless, it’s…

Adding pages

Just a quick update: I’ve started adding pages to this site. The pages are still a work in progress, and more information will be added. I have made some pages about various boards, such as the Blue Pill, Black pill, etc. Furthermore, I’ve started some pages about peripherals, such as screens and sensors. I’ll be…