This is a quick post about the *32F103 comparison. When talking about my comparison on IRC, I was asked if I could run the Blinky test from the Greaseweazle project. It looks like an interesting project I’ll need to check out in the future. Looking at the description of that test, it’s gonna toggle PC13…
ROMTABLE Addresses
I’ve been mentioning the ROMTABLE in a previous post. So, what is going on with the ROMTABLE? At first I looked at the ARM Debug Interface Architecture Specifications, where it stated in the MEM-AP, the BASE register contains a pointer to the ROMTABLE. As this is only available to the debugger and not from within…
32F103 Comparison (part 3)
Update 2020-06-14: Added HK32 Hello there. This is a follow up on the comparison for the *32F103 parts. We’ve got the STM32F103C8T6, GD32F103C8T6, HK32F103CBT6, CS32F103C8T6 and APM32F103C8T6. As seen in part 2, there are some differences in how they identify themselves to the debugger. Now I’ll have a look at the ROMTABLE. I can query…
DMA driver for WS2812-compatible LEDs
A few years ago I discussed WS2812-compatible (ws2812, sk6812, pd9823, …) LEDs Back in the days, I’ve discussed a few code snippets, but I’ve never came around on releasing the firmware I’ve wrote back in the days. Now I’ve uploaded the old code from back in those days to This…
High Level USB Device Library
Hello there! I’ve been working on a High Level USB Device Library. The reason for this is kinda related to the series of posts about the STM32F103 clones I’ve published. The thing is, the STM32Cube* HAL is BSD licensed, but the USB Middleware is SLA044. This means, the HAL can be used on any clone…
32F103 Comparison (part 2)
Update 2020-06-13: Added the HK32, updated stlink-gui/st-flash: it works with CKS32 now. Welcome back to my 32F103 Comparison. Let’s recap. The STM32F103C8T6 is a popular microcontroller by STMicroelectronics. Various Chinese manufacturers are producing parts in the same naming scheme, eg. APM32F103C8T6, BLM32F103C8T6, CS32F103C8T6, GD32F103C8T6 and MM32F103C8T6. What does this mean? There are parts, such as…
32F103 Comparison (part 1)
Update 2020-06-13: During some discussions about STM32F103 clones, I’ve sent some parts to Richi’s Lab who makes die shots of ICs. Links to the die shots for the parts have been added. Furthermore, I’ve added another part, HK32, to the comparison. I have mentioned some websites were unreachable. It turns out, the websites work when…
Continuing on the PSoC4. I’ve written the previously discussed register-poking-code into some functions for the library. This code talks nicely over the UART, as it did before. So, now the code is in the library for the 4100/4200 family, let’s have a look at the 4100M/4200M family. As far as I can tell, the only…
About designing PCBs
A few years ago, I decided to make a project: A temperature logger, that logs the temperature of a number of DS18B20 sensors and stores them to an SD card. The project consisted of an ATMEL AVR (ATMEGA328P) microcontroller, an RTC, an SD card holder, and of course some temperature sensors. Back then, I didn’t…
PSoC 4200 says “Hello World!” over UART.
“Hello World!”, I’ve got the CY8CKIT-049 (CY8C4245AXI-483) to put out some data over UART. It’s way from finished, I still have to incorporate all the code into the library, but we’re getting somewhere. Previously, I’ve been setting up the Internal Main Oscillator (IMO). But for now, I’ll keep it running at it’s default speed of…