Some notes on RISCV bare metal toolchains, regarding building and debugging code on GigaDevice GD32VF103 and WinChipHead CH32V103 microcontrollers. In the past I’ve made some start-up code and linker files that allow building firmwares abstracting the differences between these two chips, allowing one unified firmware image for both of the MCUs. I’ll look at three…
Booting Linux on an OX64 BL808 board
Pine64 introduced the Ox64 recently. This board features a Bouffalo Lab BL808 MCU. Inside this MCU we’ve got 3 different cores. The core referred to as M0 is an RV32IMAFCP T-Head E907 core. The core referred to as D0 is an RV64IMAFCV T-Head C906 core, finally there is a core referred to as LP, which…
RISC-V ‘clones’ of the STM32F103 (part 2)
This is part 2 of the look at the GD32VF103 and the CH32V103. Microcontrollers with a RISC-V RV32IMAC core and STM32F103 compatible peripherals. As stated in the pervious article, their main difference is how the interrupts are handled. Of course, both can do interrupts as per RISC-V standard, the main issue is the fact the…
Some notes about RISC-V compilers
As I’ve written in my previous post, I’ve been playing around with RISC-V recently. As part of building for RISC-V a compiler is required. As I am an ArchLinux user, I query pacman for the compiler. In the community repository I’ve found riscv64-elf-gcc. Additionaly, I need a C library, which is in the riscv32-elf-newlib package….
RISC-V ‘clones’ of the STM32F103 (part 1)
RISC-V is the new hot thing. And so, there are some Chinese MCU manufacturers making RISC-V versions of their 32F103 clones. GigaDevice has their GD32VF103 around since 2019, and WinChipHead introduced their CH32V103 last year. Now, let’s have a look at these chips. These chips are basically, a RISC-V core attached to the 32F103 peripherals….